Build your loan file

Build your loan file

Proof of income to documents related to your construction project, here is the list of documents to provide to build your mortgage file. We’ve included a lot of tips to help you get your financing.

Calling on Credit Municipal or selling your gold does not have the same advantages. One makes it possible to meet an immediate need and must be repaid with interest; the other can be used to take advantage of a very high gold price and quickly get money, which will be acquired.

Quick response. With a solid case, the bank will respond to you more quickly. She will also be able to make you a more personalized proposal. Note, the loan will always be less than the value of the gold that you place as a pledge: the Caisse de Crédit Municipal must be able to make a profit repaying the totality of the credit and its interest, if it is brought to put your gold at auction. to redeem your debt.

Once for all. Remember that your file is not for one-time use. To get a good rate or even good insurance, you have to compete. To do this, you will present this file to several banks and you will choose the most advantageous proposal. However, all financial institutions require the same documents. You will therefore not have to repeat these formalities or complete new ones. Tip: Make copies and keep the originals safe at home. Note that banks will ask to consult them to ensure their authenticity.

When to file the loan file?

If you are already the owner of the land, you present your file to the bank after having signed the construction contract-law of 1990, the architect or project management contract. The bank reviews it and lets you know about its decision. Allow four to six weeks. If she agrees, she edits the loan offer. At the end of a mandatory ten-day reflection period, you sign this document. The credit agreement officially exists. If you don’t have the land, you start by going to the bank to get their agreement on block financing. Initially, it will release funds for the land. It will then be the turn of the house.

Credit: which personal documents to provide?

On this point, you will provide the classic elements specific to any real estate financing. If you are borrowing from two, each member of the couple will need to provide all of the required documents. Here is the list.

Proof of identity: national identity card or passport. These documents must be valid. If you are borrowing as a couple, each of the co-borrowers will need to provide these official documents.

Documents relating to your family situation: family record book, marriage certificate, civil solidarity pact certificate, divorce judgment with a declaration relating to custody of the children. This last information has an impact on your expenses. The bank takes this into account to calculate your remainder to live (what you have left once the monthly payment has been paid).

Proof of address. You can provide water, gas or electricity bills, or even landline bills, or even a certificate from the person hosting you if this is the case. These documents must be less than three months old. All these documents, as well as those mentioned below, will be verified by the bank, so that it can ensure their authenticity.

To remember

  • The pawnbroker, Crédit Municipal de Paris or Mont-de-Piété, allows you to pledge your gold assets for a fixed period in exchange for cash. This loan granted with interest must be repaid at the end of the contract, otherwise the object will be lost.
  • Selling gold allows you to take advantage of a high gold price and acquire silver that will belong to you.Cash for gold is a great option as it is an instant process. Gold Loan lends 75% at LTV whereas You can also avail Cash for Gold which would be 99% around the actual value.
  • Both solutions make it possible to obtain money quickly, one temporarily in the form of credit, the other permanently.


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