The Power Players: Unveiling the Responsibilities of an In House Legal Recruitment Team

The Power Players: Unveiling the Responsibilities of an In House Legal Recruitment Team

Welcome to the world of legal recruitment, where power players make all the difference! Behind every successful law firm or corporation lies a team of skilled individuals dedicated to sourcing top tier legal talent. In this blog post, we pull back the curtain on these unsung heroes – the in house legal recruitment teams. Join us as we delve into their responsibilities and discover how they wield their influence to shape industries and transform businesses. Get ready for an eye opening journey through a world where strategic hiring decisions hold immense power – welcome to The Power Players: Unveiling the Responsibilities of an In House Legal Recruitment Team!


An in house legal recruitment team is responsible for finding, vetting, and hiring qualified attorneys to work in a company’s legal department. The team typically consists of a managing director, an attorney recruiter, and an administrative assistant.

The managing director is responsible for overall strategy and management of the recruitment team. The attorney recruiter is responsible for identifying and screening candidates, and the administrative assistant provides support with scheduling interviews and onboarding new hires.

The recruitment team works closely with the company’s human resources department to ensure that all new hires are properly vetted and that they meet the company’s standards for employment. They also work closely with the legal department to ensure that all new hires are qualified to practise law in the jurisdiction where they will be working.

What is an In House Legal Recruitment Team?

An in house legal recruitment team is responsible for the sourcing, screening, and hiring of new attorneys for a company. The team typically consists of a Recruitment Manager and a few Recruiters. 

The Recruitment Manager is responsible for setting the strategy for how the team will operate. This includes determining which law schools to target, what kind of candidates they are looking for, and what the budget for the team will be. The manager also oversees the day to day operations of the team and makes sure that everyone is on track to meet their goals. 

The Recruiters are responsible for executing the strategy set by the manager. They work closely with law schools to identify potential candidates, reach out to those candidates, and then screen them to see if they are a good fit for the company. Once a candidate has been selected, they work with them to negotiate their salary and benefits package, and then help them transition into their new role within the company.

The Benefits of Having an In House Legal Recruitment Team

An in house legal recruitment team can be a powerful asset to any company. Here are just a few of the benefits of having an in house legal recruitment team: 

  1. Save Time and Money   An in house legal recruitment team can save your company time and money by handling the entire recruiting process from start to finish. This includes everything from sourcing candidates to conducting interviews to extending offers.
  1. Get the Best Talent   An in house legal recruitment team can help your company attract top talent. They will know where to look for the best candidates and how to assess their qualifications.
  1. Increase Diversity   An in house legal recruitment team can also help your company increase diversity within its ranks. By working with a variety of different sources, they can help you find qualified candidates from a wide range of backgrounds.
  1. Improve Retention   An in house legal recruitment team can improve retention rates at your company. They will work closely with new hires to ensure that they are a good fit for the position and the company overall. This helps to reduce turnover and keep talented employees at your company for the long term.

Responsibilities of an In House Legal Recruitment Team

An in house legal recruitment team is responsible for identifying, attracting, and hiring the best legal talent for their company. They work closely with the human resources department to ensure that all legal positions are filled with qualified candidates. The recruitment team also works with the marketing department to promote the company’s legal vacancies.

The recruitment team is responsible for screening and interviewing candidates for all open legal positions. They must identify the key qualifications and skills required for each position, and evaluate candidates based on these criteria. The recruitment team also conducts reference checks and background checks on all final candidates before a hire is made.

Sourcing and Screening Candidates

In house legal recruitment teams are responsible for sourcing and screening candidates for open legal positions within their company. This involves working with hiring managers to identify the skills and experience required for the role, advertising the position, reviewing applications, conducting initial interviews, and recommending candidates for further consideration.

To source candidates, in house legal recruitment teams typically use a variety of methods including job boards, social media, employee referrals, and professional networks. They also work with external recruiters when necessary. Screening candidates involves assessing their qualifications, fit for the role, and motivation for applying. In house legal recruitment teams typically use telephone or video interviews to screen candidates before inviting them to an in person interview.

Interviewing Candidates

When looking to fill a legal position within your company, it is important to have a process and team in place to ensure that you are making the best hiring decision. The interviewing candidates stage of the recruitment process is vital in order to get to know the candidates and determine if they are a good fit for the position.

As part of the interview process, it is important to ask questions that will give you insight into the candidate’s skills, experience, and qualifications. It is also important to gauge the candidate’s personality and see if they would be a good fit for your company’s culture.

Some helpful tips for conducting interviews:

  Prepare ahead of time and make sure you know what you want to ask each candidate.

  Take notes during the interviews so you can remember each candidate’s responses.

  Ask each candidate the same questions so you can compare their answers side by side.

  Make sure you give each candidate an opportunity to ask their own questions about the position and company.

Negotiating Salaries and Benefits

In house legal recruitment teams play a critical role in negotiating salaries and benefits for prospective employees. The team is responsible for researching salary benchmarks, evaluating benefits packages, and developing creative solutions to attract top talent. They work closely with hiring managers to understand the needs of the business and identify candidates who will be a good fit.

When it comes to negotiating salaries, the team must take into account the candidate’s experience, skills, and location. They also consider the cost of living in the area and the market rates for similar positions. Benefits are an important part of any compensation package, so the team works to identify which benefits will be most attractive to candidates. They may also negotiate signing bonuses or other incentives to sweeten the deal.

The goal of the in house legal recruitment team is to find the best possible candidates for each position and to negotiate competitive salaries and benefits packages that will attract them to the company. By working closely with hiring managers and understanding the needs of the business, they are able to identify top talent and secure the best possible deals for their employer.

Onboarding New Hires

When it comes to onboarding new hires, an in house legal recruitment team has a few key responsibilities. First and foremost, they’re responsible for ensuring that all new hires are properly orientated to the company culture and values. This includes providing them with information about the company’s history, mission, and goals. Additionally, they’ll need to introduce new hires to the team’s members and explain how everyone works together. They’ll need to go over expectations for the job and answer any questions that the new hire may have. By taking care of all of these things, the in house legal recruitment team can help make sure that every new hire feels comfortable and prepared for their role within the company.

Retaining Talent

In house legal recruitment teams play a critical role in ensuring that their organisations have the talent they need to be successful. Here are some of the key responsibilities of these teams:

  1. Identifying top talent: In house legal recruitment teams are responsible for identifying top talent, both internally and externally. They use a variety of methods to identify potential candidates, including networking, online research, and attending job fairs.
  1. Screening candidates: Once potential candidates have been identified, it’s up to the in house legal recruitment team to screen them. This involves reviewing resumes and conducting interviews to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are considered for positions.
  1. Making offers: Once a candidate has been selected, it’s up to the in house legal recruitment team to make an offer. This includes negotiating salary and benefits packages that are competitive and attractive to the candidate.
  1. Onboarding: Once a candidate has accepted an offer, it’s up to the in house legal recruitment team to onboard them into the organisation. This includes helping them acclimate to their new environment and getting them started on the right foot within their new role.


The in house legal recruitment team plays an essential role in helping organisations find the right people for their legal positions. This team works to identify, assess and select candidates based on their qualifications and expertise while also ensuring that the hiring process runs smoothly. With the power players of the in house legal recruitment team revealed, it is clear to see why they are so vital to any organisation’s success. If you are interested in learning more about how this team can help you achieve your goals, then get started by reaching out today!


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