How to Know When Your Teenager Is Ready for the Driving Lesson?

How to Know When Your Teenager Is Ready for the Driving Lesson?

As parents you know that learning to drive for your child as he/she comes of age has a special meaning and one of the first steps in to adulthood. They feel thrilled with this newly found freedom. However, for parents, it is quite nerve wracking and distressing. Statistics show that in Australia most of the teenage deaths are caused by car crashes.

Although, there is a high risk involved, you cannot skip the process altogether. It is better to gauge how much your child is ready to drive. They should be able to understand the risks involved and what are the consequences. Learning to drive when your child is fully prepared mentally may yield better results.

You can either teach your teenager yourself or enrol him or her in a driving school for training under professional guidance. LTrent driving school has 50 years of experience in training students and provides the New South Wales Safer Drivers Course where they can earn 20 log book hours after the completion of the course.

What Are the Problems Involved?

The first step into this whole driving learning process of the teen requires basic knowledge of the driving, traffic rules and car cost, repair and maintenance. It may sound quite boring but for a first-time learner it is an essential knowledge that requires serious thought.

At first, they may be very enthusiastic to learn driving, but may lose interest in the middle of the process as it requires lots of concentration and basics to learn. They are always in a hurry to accomplish what they desire and would give least thought to learn safe driving which requires patience and knowledge. Some of the teens may even be afraid to take the first step.

How to Determine Your Child’s Readiness?

Being a parent, it is your responsibility to determine whether your child is fully prepared to take the driving lessons. It is nothing new for teenagers to pester their parents for teaching driving once they reach the legal age to learn driving. But, first have a good discussion with your teenager to know what his/her plans are and why they want to learn it now. They tend to get heavily influence by peer pressure, so probe a little bit to see if they want it since all their friends are doing it.

You can be the best judge of your child’s temperament and see how well they adjust to the stressful situations of daily life whether in home, school or outside. If they are responsible, confident and tactful in handling unfavourable situations and people they absolutely ready to go. But an impulsive and hot-headed child is never suited to sit behind the wheels.

The Final Step

Whether you train them yourself or hire a professional service make sure he/she gets a comprehensive training, which is beyond the concept of just passing the driving test. When hiring professional instructor check their credential and rating. Professional training is much better in terms of advanced learning.


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