Commercial Construction Tips Planning From a General Contractor

If you have plans for a commercial construction office renovation in the future, you will want to have various elements in place. This will allow for the undertaking to go much smoother. Here are a few tips from a general contractor for your office renovation project.
A general contractor will tell you that your commercial construction project should be planned out months ahead of when it will begin. Ideally, this should be anywhere from one to one and a half years before the office renovation begins. However, if your corporation is rather large, you could easily take two years or more to plan the whole project out. No matter how long you think it will take you, it is best to give yourself extra time so you are not rushed.
When beginning your plan for the commercial construction project, you will not only want to think about when your current lease expires but also how large your office is, if you expect your business to grow, and where you desire your corporation to be.
You will also need to understand that if your commercial construction project requires a permit, it will take at least 18 months. A short project may only take six months. This process will require you to have plans drawn up and a permit documented, which generally takes about 60 days. Then you will go through a permit and tender process, which is another 90 days. And finally, it will take up to 90 days for onsite construction.
Communication is essential when you hire a general contractor to do an office renovation for you. You must also make certain your expectations are crystal clear. The best way to do this is to maintain a communication schedule where weekly reports are provided. You may also wish to have emails to update you as to how the process is going. Meetings should be scheduled to be sure both parties are on the same page.
Another great idea is to think outside of the box. Many companies look the same. Why not look to other countries for inspiration on how you want your corporation to look? This will set you apart from your competition in the United States.
And finally, think about maintaining a longer lease. This will provide you with a better chance of obtaining a bigger tenant improvement allowance. If you are able to do this, you will not need to use capital that you have already built up in your corporation. Many landlords are willing to do this, as it will be an asset to their building.
In the event that your corporation is doing an office renovation, contact a general contractor such as Hybrid Construction LLC in Tampa, FL. They can help you with your commercial construction project so it gets done right.